Our 2024-2025 PTO

Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool our talents together to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below have volunteered to provide leadership for PTO this year. Get to know our names and faces, and feel free to ask us any questions you may have. But please remember, we are volunteer parents just like many of you, and have full-time careers and households to manage. We love D.A.T.E., but are NOT employees of the school. If there are questions or concerns pertaining to areas outside of our purview, we will direct you to the right person to get your questions answered as best as possible. Thank you for giving your time, talents and treasures in support of our children and our school.


PTO Committees & Coordinators

Our PTO volunteer opportunities are spearheaded by hard-working parent volunteers who give of their time to lead various activities and events for the school. If you sign up to volunteer on one of the following committees, you will work directly with these parents, to ensure our students, teachers and fellow parents have a fun and fruitful school year.







Now let's have an amazing year!!!